Thursday 9 April 2009

Can you handle the truth?

We all know lying is bad right, it’s a simple fact. We are taught from a young age lying is wrong. Yet when it comes to the truth we can’t handle it. We all have lied in some point of our lives whether it’s a little lie or a great big white lie. We all want to hear the truth, but is the truth always what you want to hear? Lying is wrong but when it comes down to something serious is telling the truth the right thing to do?
We may lie to people so we don’t hurt their feelings, a common question would be ‘Am I fat?’ what would you say to this sensitive person? So lying maybe the best option!! Whereas lying to a partner about something big could save the relationship. So what to do? Lie or tell the truth? But a relationship is based on the truth. We lie to save ourselves from the consequences of what we have done or to cover up our mistakes, such as one in six people lie at their workplace to cover up their mistakes and to save their jobs. I’m not saying lying is the right thing to do bit sometimes it’s the only option we have.

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