Saturday 18 April 2009

Child Abuse

How can someone hit an innocent child? It totally disgusts me that someone could hit a child and listen to them screaming in pain. What goes through these peoples mind when they torture their very own kids? Do they not feel anything? These poor kids are scarred for life.

One recent example of child abuse was the case of Baby P. A horrendous story of a toddler who was abused and neglected. He was tortured by his mother, her boyfriend and their lodger. He was found dead in his cot and had more than 50 injuries and a broken back. Baby P was the victim of horrific physical torture, which is one of the worst types of child abuse. Imagine how this child must have been feeling when he was being tortured, a little baby who cant even speak yet, could only tell how much he was being hurt through his tears. But this is not the only case; there are many other sad stories just like this one.

Around 3 million children are abused in a year. At least 7% of children in the UK are abused by their parents. 16% of children experienced serious maltreatment by parents, of whom one third experienced more than one type of maltreatment. Figures show that there are 32,700 children on child protection registers in the UK. Every week in England and Wales one to two children will die following cruelty. Every ten days in England and Wales, on average, one child is killed at the hands of their parent. An average of 35 a year over the past five years.
Child abusers should go to hell!!

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