Friday 17 April 2009


Why do people cheat if they know it’s wrong it just does not make any sense? I know for a fact that I would not want to cheat on someone, it wrong and its bad. It’s not acceptable and it should never happen. If you are in a relationship with someone and you cheat on them, would you not think how you would feel if you were cheated on? You hurt the people that are close to you and those that love you the most, sometimes children are also involved.

So why do people cheat?? Why do they risk losing a happy home full of people that love them??And who is more likely to cheat men or women???
Well according to statistics 60% of men would cheat compared to 40% of women. Men are more likely to cheat as they are scared of intimacy, and therefore by cheating they are not emotionally involved with their lovers. Whereas women may cheat because they may be feeling lonely. It could also be that they maybe unfulfilled sexually and emotionally.

Audrey B. Chapman, a family therapist and author in Washington, D.C., concurs with Dr. Berry. "Men tend to want to massage their egos," she says. "Women, on the other hand, tend to cheat for support, nurturing and to reinforce their own desirability. They feel neglected themselves, and they decide to get it [sex] elsewhere."

Infidelity is wrong. No matter what the reason.

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