Thursday 7 May 2009


I think stealing is bad. However i think if you steal a little thing or a big thing does make a huge difference, for example stealing a Car is really really bad, as the owner must have worked really hard for , but stealing something like sweets from the local supermarket is not as bad. Although i do believe the idea of stealing is completely wrong and is something which i have never done before. I think that you should not steal as if you start froms stealing Little things like sweets, it may possibly turn into a habit, and could lead you to start stealing cars.

Reply to Josephine Daly sex revisited

I found that qiute funny when i read it at first but i do think doing such a thing is really bad. They were having sex in front of tourists, was bad enough, but with out any clothes on was worse. Plus many of the tourists must have had children with the, some people just have no shame at all!

Wednesday 6 May 2009

reply to speedin by Jaymond.

I do agree with you that speeding is the biggest from of stupidity. I also don't know why people speed, i mean what is the need when you know, that there are speed cameras around. its h=just really sill i think. By speeding you can kill yourself or someone else, why act in this way when there are some many risks involved??

Kids swearing

I really hate it when kids swear at each other. that day i went to pick up my little sister from school, and the amount of foul mouthed children i had seen was unbelievable, they were swearing at each other really loudly. They had no consideration for no one. I mean even the teachers were standing their, but no one not even one of the parents turned out to tell their kids not to swear. Kids should be sweet and innocent, but when they swear, it dont look or sound good!

Tuesday 5 May 2009

comment on sofia bahadur kidnapping

I also think kidnapping is really bad, the thought of losing a loved one and not knowing were they are is horrendous, what must be going through those peoples minds?? People usually kidnap for money, but as you said about Madeline, theres nothing to it no one has even asked for money, the poor girl ha just simply disappeared.


Incest is having a relationship with someone, like you own mother, father, brother sister, aunt, uncle, or your grandparents. I seriously think that is a horrible act. Sleeping with someone in your own family??? I mean how could someone do such a filthy thing. I think it worse when the other person is forced to do something like this. Such as John Fitzgerald, i mean how could you lock up you own daughter, continuously rape her and then have kids with her. having a physical relationship with a family member is totally wrong!!!
Article below disgusting!

Saturday 2 May 2009


Racism is wrong, thinking that you are better than other people because they have a different colour, or are a different ethnicity. Racism exists in every culture and in every society. Racism has been going on for centuries, as skin colour has been a huge factor in a way a person is treated. Skin colour has had a huge impact, in the way people are treated, for example at the work place. As statistics showed that white people had a higher chance of getting the job than anyone else in this country. i think Black or white everyone is equal.

Friday 1 May 2009

reply to Laura Cole duvet days!!

I think duvet days are a great idea, however i think you are right that if people with important jobs like teachers have a duvet day, it will jeopardise children's education, but then again its only like one day in a year, so a supply teacher will do!

bad comedians!!!

Bad comedians??? i love comedy, and stand up comedy is just great! But sometimes the comedians do go a bit far with their jokes, i do find some jokes that are racist, i have to admit are quite funny, but they are really offensive to other people. But one type of joke that i really don't like are jokes about disabled people, that should not be a matter to joke about.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Drink Driving!

Drink driving is a completely irresponsible act, you are putting yourself at risk and people who are around you at risk too. You may drink and think that you are okay and may feel as though you are fit enough to drive, but the fact is that while you are drunk you react slower to things, so if there is a car coming at you, you may not be able to stop in time as your reaction and thinking distance is slower. Just imagine your driving while your drunk, you may feel okay, but one slight mistake could totally change everything. You could lose your own life or you could kill someone else, doesn't the thought of killing an innocent person scare you?? Aren't you scared of killing yourself??? you may be leading a good normal lifestyle, but after a couple of drinks and getting into your car you could be spending time in jail, for killing an innocent person! You ruin you own life and those who were involved in the crash.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Dog Fighting!

Animals should not be treated badly as they are just like us humans who also feel pain. These days dog fighting is very big and people do it for pure enjoyment or the money as bets are put on to see which dog will win the fight. Dog fighting is cruel and a horrible practice. Dog fighting is ILLEGAL, but people still carry on, breeding these dogs just so that they could have a bit of fun, pit bulls are the main dogs which are used to fight. These dogs are trained to kill. To make sure they win the fight they are given ILLEGAL DRUGS, they get CHAINED and are fed GUNPOWDER, and sometimes to make them even more aggressive and hungry they are not fed at all. If the dogs lose they are left to die a long and painful death. How could these dogs be treated like this, do people not understand the fact that dogs also feel pain???

Monday 27 April 2009


Prostitution is when an individual has sex for money. These women are basically selling their bodies for money, i just think that is disgusting. These women should go out there and get a real job, a more respectable job. However there are women out there who are forced into selling their bodies, not only women but children too. These are the people that i feel sorry for. This type of thing is more common in third world countries, where in some cases fathers sell their own daughters in the world of prostitution to fill their own stomach with food. As in one case a young girl was sold at the age of 12 by her very own mother, who would torture her if she would not fulfill the desires of her customers! This is pure desperation. But why do women in this country who could have free education and make something out of their lives get into prostitution???

Sunday 26 April 2009


Bigamy is when someone marries another person while they are legally married to another person. It is a crime in this country to do so. It is wrong especially if the first wife or husband does not know about this as they are being cheated. The bigamist seems to be living double lives, that just seems so hard and stressful, how do they manage to do it??? But one thing i don't understand is if someone is having an affair why is that not a crime? Its just as bad, having an affair or getting married, I'm sure the first partner would be totally against it! So they should get the same sentence, the sentence varies from 9 months to seven years.

Saturday 25 April 2009


Abortion is wrong! how could you kill something which is growing inside you? You may have excuses such as "I'm not ready for a baby!" But is that really an excuse to abort a baby? I believe it is totally wrong!! Its so sad, aborting a feotus, especially when they are kind of developed and have little body parts such as hand and feet. Many might say that a woman can do what she wants with her body, but the baby is a different body, you just cant kill because you don't want it. However If the woman has been raped or their has been a case of incest then the baby can be aborted as things later on will get complicated for the child, the mother, a rape victim may never be able to look at the child, and will not be able to treat him/her right as she will remember getting raped each and every time she sees the child. Or if the mother has a health risk and the baby has to be aborted that is okay as their is nothing which can be done. All i am against are these silly comments and excuses for abortion, "It was a mistake!" this one i definitely hate!!!

Friday 24 April 2009

Cyber Stalking!!

Stalking is definitely bad! It is a completely distressing time for the victim. One in ten people experience stalking and a third still suffers from the psychological distress many years later. U might think stalking is following the person around wherever they go stand outside their house or work place etc. But now there is an easier way of stalking!!! Stalking through social networks! All you have to do is make an account on one of the many different socials networks and start stalking your ex or whoever you want to stalk!! You can see if they are going out through their relationship status and even see what their new partner looks like by viewing their pictures.
Recently a man was accused of stalking his ex girlfriend through facebook; it was the first trial of its kind in the UK. What is this world coming to??

Thursday 23 April 2009


I`ve never really gambled maybe a few pounds in the machines but that’s about it. I don’t think it’s a really bad thing if you know how to do it sensibly. But the fact is that sometimes we can get addicted to it. I knew when I gambled at the machines at one point I was winning and did not want to stop. But I knew I should not carry on therefore I stopped. But some people get addicted to gambling and that is when the trouble starts.
To some people it is just pure entertainment, but it has negative and also very harmful effects such as financial problems and in some cases emotional problems. The individual can start lying to family and friends; they may also have a loss of control, as they can’t stop gambling.
People should be allowed to gamble, but they should do it responsibly.

Wednesday 22 April 2009


Rape is forcing someone to have sex, without their consent. Rape damages the emotional, physical and social well-being of the individual. What if the individual was a virgin before she got raped, she would definitely be going through hell. Rape victims are thought to never fully recover from the ordeal. As they will be psychologically damaged. One of the effects will be self blame. Some victims think they should have done something differently therefore they would not have been raped. Some victims may even commit suicide as they cannot take what has happened. Rapists should have the same thing happen to them, as they are evil people who should not be allowed to live in the same society as us.

Tuesday 21 April 2009


Childhood is supposed to be the best time of your life isn’t it? I remember having a great childhood and I’m sure most of all of you had a great childhood too. But for some people this is not the case. Some children get bullied, which is totally wrong as it emotionally damages the child for a very long time. Children who are frequently bullied at school are more likely to wet their beds; they could have difficulty sleeping and suffer headaches as well as a range of psychological problems including anxiety and depression.
I don’t think no one has the right to call someone names or tease a young child. The bully may have its excuses such as having emotional problems of their own, maybe they’re being bullied at home, another reason could be inadequacy. But that still does not give them the right to go and bully someone else.
A bully is someone who never learns to accept responsibility for their bad behaviour. They are just horrible people. They bully anyone who they see as different, they bully tall, short, fat, and thin and basically being a little different from the bully. Bullying is bad; no one deserves to be bullied. They should be allowed a happy childhood like the rest of us.

Monday 20 April 2009

body modification

I don’t really think piercing your body, getting a tattoo or modifying your body in any other way is bad, but it should be done sensibly. People are allowed to do what they want to their bodies. But I don’t like the fact that people go over the top, like piercing all over their face, or getting huge tattoos all over your body. People do it to look attractive, but I don’t think that is the case, I just think it looks really tacky!!! (In what way does this person above look good????)
Another thing would be as why do something which causes pain to your body, I would hate to get a tattoo; just thinking of them needles makes me shiver. I also recently found out that tattoos also have a health risk, diabetes, cancer, HIV, AIDS and hepatitis are a few of the many diseases we could get form getting a tattoo, for example we could get hepatitis through the dirty needles that are used. There is also a risk of infections.
I don’t think you should modify your body in anyway; obviously you should cut your hair and nails (natural things!) but tattoos and piercing I totally dislike them!!!

Sunday 19 April 2009


Masturbation is the process of sexually stimulating your own genitals for sexual pleasure; it could also lead to the point of orgasm. Masturbation can be 'bad' or harmful is when it becomes compulsive. The cumulative effect of these influences is usually confusion and guilt, which is often difficult to sort out. Compulsive masturbation, like all other compulsive behaviors, is a sign of an emotional problem. Also recent studies show that it decreases the chances of prostate cancer, however other studies suggest the opposite, that masturbation increases the chances of prostate cancer.

Sometimes masturbation could turn deadly. As something called Auto-erotic asphyxia which is a method of increasing sexual excitement by restricting the oxygen supply to the brain, usually by tightening a noose around the neck. It is usually associated with people who are hard core sexual masochists, but others such as young school boys may also try this to experiment different types of masturbation. It is deadly and also a taboo subject. A young man had hanged himself; around his body were porn magazines. This was called an auto-erotic death. The man did not want to kill himself, but it had happened due to the sexual excitement he was having at the time.

As long as auto-erotic asphyxia remains a taboo subject it will continue to claim victims, be they serious sexual fetishists or ignorant schoolboys. In a rare article published by Vanity Fair less than a decade ago, a parent whose teenage son died from auto-erotic asphyxia called it 'history's best kept secret'. That is still an accurate description.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Child Abuse

How can someone hit an innocent child? It totally disgusts me that someone could hit a child and listen to them screaming in pain. What goes through these peoples mind when they torture their very own kids? Do they not feel anything? These poor kids are scarred for life.

One recent example of child abuse was the case of Baby P. A horrendous story of a toddler who was abused and neglected. He was tortured by his mother, her boyfriend and their lodger. He was found dead in his cot and had more than 50 injuries and a broken back. Baby P was the victim of horrific physical torture, which is one of the worst types of child abuse. Imagine how this child must have been feeling when he was being tortured, a little baby who cant even speak yet, could only tell how much he was being hurt through his tears. But this is not the only case; there are many other sad stories just like this one.

Around 3 million children are abused in a year. At least 7% of children in the UK are abused by their parents. 16% of children experienced serious maltreatment by parents, of whom one third experienced more than one type of maltreatment. Figures show that there are 32,700 children on child protection registers in the UK. Every week in England and Wales one to two children will die following cruelty. Every ten days in England and Wales, on average, one child is killed at the hands of their parent. An average of 35 a year over the past five years.
Child abusers should go to hell!!

Friday 17 April 2009


Why do people cheat if they know it’s wrong it just does not make any sense? I know for a fact that I would not want to cheat on someone, it wrong and its bad. It’s not acceptable and it should never happen. If you are in a relationship with someone and you cheat on them, would you not think how you would feel if you were cheated on? You hurt the people that are close to you and those that love you the most, sometimes children are also involved.

So why do people cheat?? Why do they risk losing a happy home full of people that love them??And who is more likely to cheat men or women???
Well according to statistics 60% of men would cheat compared to 40% of women. Men are more likely to cheat as they are scared of intimacy, and therefore by cheating they are not emotionally involved with their lovers. Whereas women may cheat because they may be feeling lonely. It could also be that they maybe unfulfilled sexually and emotionally.

Audrey B. Chapman, a family therapist and author in Washington, D.C., concurs with Dr. Berry. "Men tend to want to massage their egos," she says. "Women, on the other hand, tend to cheat for support, nurturing and to reinforce their own desirability. They feel neglected themselves, and they decide to get it [sex] elsewhere."

Infidelity is wrong. No matter what the reason.

Monday 13 April 2009

Euthanasia. Do you have the right to play God??

Euthanasia is the process of painlessly helping a terminally ill person to die. It is also known as assisted killing or even mercy killing. I think euthanasia is totally wrong, euthanasia is not illegal in the United Kingdom and many other countries. I personally believe that a doctor or anyone else who helps in the assisted killing of someone should not be able to do so, no one should be able to play the role of god and kill someone. I also believe that god does not give us more pain than we can take. Sometimes euthanasia may not be right for the person as God might have planned for them to get better at a later stage of their illness. I am entirely against it, what about you what do you think?

Thursday 9 April 2009

Can you handle the truth?

We all know lying is bad right, it’s a simple fact. We are taught from a young age lying is wrong. Yet when it comes to the truth we can’t handle it. We all have lied in some point of our lives whether it’s a little lie or a great big white lie. We all want to hear the truth, but is the truth always what you want to hear? Lying is wrong but when it comes down to something serious is telling the truth the right thing to do?
We may lie to people so we don’t hurt their feelings, a common question would be ‘Am I fat?’ what would you say to this sensitive person? So lying maybe the best option!! Whereas lying to a partner about something big could save the relationship. So what to do? Lie or tell the truth? But a relationship is based on the truth. We lie to save ourselves from the consequences of what we have done or to cover up our mistakes, such as one in six people lie at their workplace to cover up their mistakes and to save their jobs. I’m not saying lying is the right thing to do bit sometimes it’s the only option we have.

Wednesday 8 April 2009


In the United Kingdom about 10 million people smoke, and that is a lot, it is a health risk so why do people do it?? It just confuses me as to why people smoke. According to statistics people aged 20-24 are most likely to smoke compared to any other age group. Many youngsters think smoking is cool at a young age and experiment to see what it is like and many at the thought of looking cool carry on smoking. Another reason could be peer pressure and trying to fit in with those who are around them.
I personally don’t smoke and hopefully would not pick up this bad habit, even though I do have close friends that do smoke and have been smoking for years. I just think it smells and damages your health. And most of all the money spent on cigarettes is unbelievable, in the UK alone £12. Billion is spent, I seriously think more people would not be in debt if they gave up smoking and used that money for a good cause. According to the Yorkshire bank 1.1 million people who gave up smoking from last year saved £1 billion pound collectively. I would rather save that money and do something useful with it. I’m glad with ban in 2007 as now us non-smokers don’t have to deal with that horrible stench and the risk of getting lung cancer through passive smoking.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Week 12

I think that in week 12 of our module we should talk about underaged children drinking alcohol and the effects it has upon there health and lifestyle, As now it is becoming a huge problem in our society and not much is being done to help these children as many of us are unaware on the health risks of alcohol on underaged children.